Botanical Name: Tagetes minuta
Main Constituents:
Trans- β-Ocimene: 30.93%
Trans-Tagetone: 10.34%
Cis-Tagetone: 3.0%
Plant Part: Flowers
Origin: Egypt
Processing Method: Steam Distilled
Blends With: Lavender, Pine, Bergamot, Sandalwood, Frankincense and all Citrus oils.
Product Description: A slightly viscous, reddish to yellowish liquid. A top note with a medium aroma, Tagetes is easily classified as sweet, fruity and almost citrus-like.Tagetes, aka African Marigold, is known in Africa as Khaki Bush. It is now grown in France and North America. The Tagetes plant is essentially a weed with deeply divided, dark green leaves with numerous ornamental yellowish-orange carnation-like flowers.
Cautions: Dilute well before use; this oil is powerful, should only be used in moderation. This oil has phototoxic properties and exposure to the sun must be avoided after application to the skin. May cause skin irritation in some individuals; a skin test is recommended prior to use. Contact with eyes should be avoided.
Package: 15 ml / 1/2 fl oz or 30 ml/1 fl oz or 100 ml/3.3 fl oz