Botanical name: Syzygium aromaticum L
Main constituents: Eugenol 79%, Eugenyl acetate 14%
Method of extraction: Steam distilled from buds
Aromatic description: A middle note of medium aroma, Clove Bud Essential Oil smells like the actual spice. A clear pale yellow to yellow liquid of medium consistency. The bud of this evergreen, indigenous to Southeast Asia, has a long history as an effective agent for minor pains and aches, particularly dental pain because of its numerous effects on oral gums. It is widely used in contemporary Ayurvedic and Chinese medicine.
Blends With: Blends well with other spice oils including Cinnamon bark, Grapefruit pink, Lemon, Nutmeg, Orange, Rosemary, Peppermint.
Note: All BioAromatica essential oils are 100% pure and natural with absolutely no additives. Must be diluted in a carrier oil before use.
Origin: Sri Lanka
Package: 15 ml/05. fl oz or 30 ml/1 fl oz or 100 ml/3.38 fl oz or 500 ml /16.6 fl oz